
Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Bourne Identity - Book Report

The barrier Identity\nAt the beginning of the novel, Jason edge is put floating in the Mediterranean Sea with several bullet wounds covering his carcass, including a major head wound which has given up him amnesia. The fisherman that found contain presumed him dead and brought him to a limit on shore. The doctor treating him examines his body and finds a device surgically embedded in his hip that contains the number of a Swiss bank account in Zurich.\nIn Zurich, Switzerland, bourne arrives at the bank and is recognized by the teller. Here he learns that his hear is Jason confines. While attempting to retrace his go from when he was previously in the city he attracts the oversight of several people who both fear him, warn him of danger, or try to kill him. moreover they all assume that he already knows why and do not understand that verge cannot remember his past. He besides meets or sort of kidnaps a woman named Marie St Jacques in Zurich and in the spur of the mom ent, uses her as a sort of hostage to work an attacker in a crowded hotel. \nAs Bourne forces Marie to transport him while he searches for evidence of his previous brio he begins to suspect, on the primer coat of some pretty go off evidence from a composition and the circumstances he is in, that he may have been a professional assassin forrader he lost his retentivity at sea. Eventually Marie escapes from Bourne and immediately tries to get back up from men she thinks are police, unless they turn out to be enemies of Bourne and related to a skilled assassin named Carlos. When Bourne rescues her at the risk of his own life, Marie decides to actually be usable and help him. Bourne realizes that he has put her life in danger as well, and asks her to date but she refuses.\nAs the myth moves along, Bourne discovers information that leads him to Carlos. Bourne learns that he has an alias named Cain that he used in parliamentary law to challenge and kill Carlos as part of a m ission called Treadstone Seventy-One. His fellow ...

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