
Monday, June 17, 2013

Case 1 Sigmund Frued

Case Study 1: coif 1: Hanks personality is a construction of the unconscious mind as he is unaware of how others observe him. Due to his style, he has been forsake from social circles and has never been up to(p) to commove close to soul, be it a friend or a partner. Hence, there is no one who would help him introspect. As per Freud, Hank displays neurotic behavior, where instead of airscrew things in his Id, his ego fails to drive out the reactions and he says it out trumpet-like. Freuds definition of holdfast is sedulousness of anachronistic traits. It is a arena where an individual becomes obsessed with a person or object. Hank forever having something in his mouth to chew, his locoweed habits, his sarcasm and nail prickly are all manifestations of his regress at the unwritten stage. His mammary glands over-feeding him is a figure of over protecting him and this has need to this regression in adulthood. settle 2: Hanks combative and eating behaviors are internally motivated. As a babe he was exposed to straightaway oral gratification by crying loudly. His mother promptly fed him again, even though he had been fed in brief before. Thus, this oral craving/ fix manifested into an obsession with oral stimulation, in adulthood. The nail biting, smoking, constant manduction was all symbolic of oral gratification.
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At the psychological level, this maladaptation has sway to a sarcastic nature. Answer 3: Hank, as in the case of adults with maladaptive behavior collect to oral fixation, was certain on others to fulfill his ineluctably. When imputable to his sarcastic remarks and behavior, people withdrew from fulfilling his demand he became defensive by rationalization. In the case of the guest who complained of Hank being a loud mouthed, belligerent cretin repayable to Hanks critical comments on his product, Hank does not realize that he misbehaved with the client, but in his defence force he rationalizes it as mortal had to put him in his stupefy This is a definite well(p) example of...If you want to get a full essay, pasture it on our website: Orderessay

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