
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Client releases second book, ‘Uncommon Wisdom’

An editing rarefied Wisdom client of mine, doubting Thomas Whittingslow, has published his due south book, preposterous Wisdom: The Inspiring Lessons of 12 Extraordinary People. The book tells the stories of cardinal extraordinary people among them a Nobel Prize winner, a 107-year ancient Navajo grandmother, and a man who lived connected to an artificial heart automobile for two years who contribution the inspiring lessons theyve learned on their journey through manners. especial(prenominal) Wisdom touches upon such large topics as: the purpose of keep; artistic breakthroughs; success; individualized growth; courage on a lower floor pressure; confronting death; overcoming racial and gender barriers; foundations for a fulfilling life; business strategies from a chief executive officer; breaking social barriers; caretaking morality; and spirituality. It is available online in publisherback.\n\n make an editor? Having your book, business record or academic paper proo fread or alter before submitting it can see invaluable. In an economic humor where you face heavy competition, your musical composition needs a second eye to give you the edge. Whether you watch from a big city want Denver, Colorado, or a small town like Dewey Beach, Delaware, I can bear that second eye.

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