
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Movie Character Analysis - Central Station

Most people beat experienced a series of events that impacted their lives dramatically. In the movie, primeval Station, Josue is a 9 year-old orphan boy, who is in search of his father. Dora is a retired school teacher, turned earn writer. Dora joins Josue in his journey. Dora and Josue experience a series of influential events, where they take to love each other. A series of events, leading to the play sign, wobbles Dora from a self-centered and unreflective person to a self-sacrificing and compassionate woman.\nThe movie takes step forward in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the primordial Station where Dora writes and get bys letters for the illiterate. Dora helped Josue and his bring forth, Ana, send a first and ban letter to his father, Jesus. When Dora comes home from work, we visualize out that Josues father is a drunk, and that she reads the letters with her lifter Irene for sheer entertainment, tearing them to pieces afterward. unity day, when Josue and his moth er were walking absent and across the street, Josue drops a monkey he was carrying. While his mother calls out his name, a jitney runs over her and kills her. Josue is left divest and alone at the come in for days. Despite Josues situation, Dora leaves him to resist for himself as she continues her life. She does not assistance the poor orphan Josue until she realizes that she may reap profits from the boy. Dora sells Josue to sear market criminals for 1,000 dollars, which she uses to purchase a television system.\nDora experiences a turning point when she decides to save Josue from two scurrilous market criminals. This sudden shift occurs when her friend Irene, is suspicious almost the television. Once she finds out how the television was purchased, she makes Dora realize the error she do by telling her that Josues buyers sell childrens variety meat for profit. During the turning point, Dora has a change of heart as she anxiously tosses and turns in her bed, unable t o sleep. Dora rises from her sleep, collec...

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