
Friday, January 24, 2014

Unity Amidst Diversity

Unity Amidst Diversity In spite of any the variety in different fields, physical, social, linguistic, cultural and religious there is a fundamental unity of India underlying this diversity. It binds the Indians and makes this vast region a single unit. This unity is noticeable in the following spheres: 1) geographical Unity. India has a separate individuality of its own. Nature has given her a geographical unity by separating it from the rest of the world. Vishnu Purana decl ared- the country which lies to the northeastern of the ocean and south of the snow mountains is c totally(a)ed Bharat. 2) Political Unity It had ever been the policy of the emperors of India to bring this vast country under their domination. The use of Ashvamedha Yajna by the rulers in ancient times is a scoop out indication in this direction. The Mauryas and the Guptas established their s overeignty over a large portion of the country to be entitled the Chakravarti rulers. The British conquered th e whole of India and gave it a political unity. 3) Cultural Unity consent to Dr. V.A. Smith, The essential fundamental Indian unity rests upon the fact that the several(a) throng of India have developed a peculiar showcase of destination and civilization utterly different from any former(a) type in the world; that civilization may be summed up in the term of Hinduism. The smashing festivals exchangeable Diwali, Holi, Dussehra etcetera are illustrious in much the same sort all over India. The great epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata are honoured by all the people all over India. The social customs are the same among the great variety of Indian people which binds them together. 4) ghostly Unity The stories of our inborn heroes like Ram and Krishna are perceive with equal idol worship all over India. In the terminology of Dr. Smith, Nearly all the Hindus venerate the cow and recognize the dictum of Vedas. The great gods like Vishnu and Shiva, Goddess Kali are worsh ipped by the people in all parts of India.! Dr. Rajendra Prasad said:...If you necessity to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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