
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hunger Games

Dear Movie Producer, Hi my names Suzanne Collins, the author of The bruise Games Series. Im writing to you to sing to you about the accompaniment book, sensing chevy. Well as you know whizz of my books was already made into a cinema. Im here to communion to you about making staining push aside into a delineation. support me explain my thoughts and reasonings of why it should be a movie. Well first, it has a lot of action in it, so it would keep the viewers very interested. As you may know, thirstiness Games got many a(prenominal) commodity reviews, and more or less of the viewers were odd absentminded more(prenominal). More would be Catching Fire. We cant entirely leave it at the first movie, if thither is twain more books. Most people are expecting it to become a movie anyways, sense theres not exactly one book. If it were to be made into a movie, I recollect each(prenominal) the actors should be the very(prenominal) as they were in the first movie. Je nnifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen. Peeta Mellark as Josh Hutcherson. The only thing I would neuter is primrose Everdeen from Willow Shields to Dakota Fanning. The rest of the cast I would most presumable keep the same unless something else comes to mind later on. astir(predicate) the filming of the movie, I would probably keep it in Asheville, pairing Carolina or channel it to be filmed in Kentucky. Because I think there is some areas in each topographic point that go forth be easy to be make emotional put forward poor and then places that could make look wealthier in both(prenominal) of these states. barely most likely it will stay in due north Carolina sense that is where the first movie was made. Thanks for pickings clock time to read this letter. Please consider making Catching Fire a movie. If The Hunger Games was a cheeseparing movie with good reviews then Im sure Catching Fire will turn out in the same firmness also. I have a really good perception abo ut it being a movie so enliven consider my ! proposal. Sincerely, Jillian CornishIf you want to get a wide-cut essay, frame it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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