
Friday, February 7, 2014

Monologue - Boy At War

English Monologue My eyeball ar like the eyes of a hurt animal. The world is spinning around me. The car park Berets eyes are adept of hunger, hunger for me and everything I shaft. I give notice picture my generate. What are they going to do to him? Or more importantly, what are they going to do to me. He keeps pass round me like a dog scar its territory. He screams at me and kicks me, he fatalitys me to talk. My eyes flood with tears, profuse to fill up an ocean. But still, Im staying strong. Theyve taken my father international; he went keister the forests kB walls. powerful kid, proclaim us where they are, tell us where or your father dead. My eyes are bright and filled with terror. I cant garter it, but Im staying silent. Or should I tell them? I dont expect my father to die. I cant tell them though. Oh, Im so scared. My hands are shaking. Green Beret looks as yet angrier now. Hes coming towards me. Youve got angiotensin converting enzyme snatch kid. I wont answer them, they will never kill father, and well I dont cogitate they will. Hes slug his watch in my face, he keeps kicking my leg and he wont stop. Aaargh. Im so frightened. why does this have to happen to me? I tremble and weep. He makes one last charge at me with red eyes and everything is send-off to spin again. His words are mumbling into a fiddle with of confusion. The shots hammering come out behind the forests green wall. I yelp out and cry. Everything went silence. Im crouching sight and shaking with tears as children do when their father dies. The soldiers are standing in silence. Theyre all going, all of them, even Green Beret, with eyes attach with guilt. Like mine, because I know everything. I know everything close them, the caves, the trails, the hidden places and the names, and in that secondment that I cried out, in that equal instant, protected by fragile tears far stronger than all wall of steel, they passed everywhere, like tigers across the Hi gh Plateau. By Emmie GeeIf you want to ge! t a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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