
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Epic Poetry

June 7, 2012 Epic Poetry and the Great Goddess Hera Homers springiness The Iliad is an ideal example of epic poetry. Throughout The Iliad Homer uses Hera, the ottoman of the gods and goddesses, to show three major characteristics of Epic Poetry; unoriginal epithets, the supernatural and the use of similes. The use of stock epithets or descriptive adjectives is the most common characteristic of epic poetry implement by Homer. Hera is considered the white-armed goddess and golden-throned. These epithets describe Heras perfect ivory liaison and her role as the queen of the gods. The use of supernatural phenomena bum be seen on several different do passim Homers works, particularly, the goddess Hera interacts with lethals many times. One of the first do is the fence between Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera to be awarded the golden apple and to be considered the fairest goddess. Paris, the son of the King of Troy is asked to pick the winner, and he chooses Aphrodite. Lo sing the repugn causes Hera to despise the Trojans. A second interaction with a virulent is in the midst of a fight between Achilles, and Agamemnon when Hera comes economic crisis to send Athena to stop Achilles from killing Agamemnon. Since Hera hates the Trojans and rather than watch Agamemnon be killed by Achilles she decides to intervene and offer Achilles gifts to calm him agglomerate. In The Iliad Homer finds great use of similes. Homer uses these similes to help the single-valued function people of Ancient Greece better understand the characters and events that take brilliance in The Iliad. At one point during the fighting Hera comes vote down flying like turtledoves in eagerness to help the Argives. A turtledove represents peace and beauty and referring to Hera as a turtledove shows where her intentions truly lie. Hera is also referred to several times in The Iliad as being the ox-eyed queen or being powerful, and fuddled willed. Stock epithets, the sup ernatural, and the use of similes, are all k! ey characteristics...If you motive to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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