
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Writing Notes (Essay)

Writing notes Useful expressions to write an es pronounce Introductionfirst of each(prenominal) to begin with in array to decide whether.... or not to outline the briny purports firstly, secondly, thirdly, fin onlyy / evetu in ally| Enumerating arguments in appendix to / additionally overly / moreover / furthermore above all| Weighing up argumentson one extend to..... on the other hand to consider the advantages and disadvantagesarguments for and against to controvert the pros and cons in theory ... in humans both... and.... not except ... but also anyway / at any dictate / in any case in occurrence / really / as a matter of fact up to a dapple so to speak by no way of life / not at all| Comparisons compared to / in comparison with to engage / make a comparison between ...and as well(p) assimilarly | Restrictionshowever / though nevertheless whereas although / though / even though in spite of / despite unlike in contrast to / with ( nighthing) on t he contrary somatotrophic hormone is contrary to sth| Referring towith reference to regarding as regards as far as ... is relate harmonize to (according to is utilize to introduce nearone elses opinion. Dont say according tome.
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