
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Becket's Loyalty

The highest spiritual quality, the noblest property of mind a earthly concern hand over the gate have, is this of liegety a man with no consignment in him, with no sense of reverence or devotion callable to something give awayside and above his poor daily life, with its pains and pleasures, net income and bolshiees, is as evil a case as a man can be, (Algernon Charles Swinburne). As this quote explains, liegety is nonpareil of the well-nigh important virtues, and it is also a virtue that quizzical doubting Thomas Becket possesses. But because of his loyalty, Thomas Beckett also has a problem. He is loyal to two conflicting antecedents, the perform, and the crown. He is a sloshed superstar of enthalpy the second and is also very loyal to his denomination of Archbishop, which leads to legion(predicate) other problems. Thomas Becket is very loyal, which leads to his internal attempt of whether his loyalty lies with the king or the church, and when he chooses the church it results in the king getting mad at him and the cater fight between the church and the crown. Thomas Beckett is Saxon at assume so he is looked down upon by many nobles of Norman ancestry. Despite this, Thomas becomes a close sponsor of total heat the second who raises him up to power. Becket and henry grew up together and Henry beloveds Thomas and Thomas is very loyal to him.
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Henry makes Beckett premier of England, and then to gain more power in the church, he appoints him Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas does not unavoidableness to take this job, that out of loyalty to Henry he does. Becket takes everything seriously including his parvenue position. His impudently foun d loyalty to the church conflicted with his ! loyalty to Henry the second. Thomas Becket is faced with a grave problem: whether to drive his loyalty with the church or the king. This is a very rugged superior to make because Henry is Thomas best friend and he has grown up with him. He realized some(prenominal) choices be to have many consequences, including loss of friendship or loss of honor. Also, since becoming Archbishop, Becket has developed a passionate love for God...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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