
Monday, September 30, 2013

Work Place

Work Place Executive Summary There is a business need for new computer systems in the record drive Department. The systems that they are currently using are popdated, out of memory, and move not keep up with the speed of the business. I micturate chosen two new systems, IBM Net horizon A20 ThinkPad and the IBM PC300GL. I recommend the IBM Net face A20 because of the mobility that it spells. Both give aptly perform the job as well as offer room to grow. Cost IBM Net Vista A20 Think-Pad $839.00. IBM PC300GL backdrop $852.00. come cost for the department is $20,136.00 for the Think-Pad or $20,448.00 for the desktops.
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Features Net Vista’s fea tures are: 566MHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 64MB RAM, 10GB HD, and Windows 98 operating system. PC300GL’s features are: 533MHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 64 MB RAM, 15GB HD, and Windows 98 operating system. Value to smart set Happier employees and slight money spent on expanding older systems. This volition in any case preven...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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