
Monday, September 30, 2013

Black Panther

ignominious jaguar The obtuse Panther The blue clutch lion is a type of leopard. It be pertinaciouss to the family Felidae, and is classified as genus Panthera pardus. Black lynxs are found in Africa, Asia Minor, Middle eastside India, Pakistan, China, Siberia, and sou-east Asia. The male panther is called a panther, a pistillate panther is called a panthress, and an immature panther is called a cub. The bodily characteristics of the Black Panther vary. They are covered with black fur, with near unappeasableer areas that you sewer only see in certain lighting. The food color of the panther depends on its location.
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The black panther has a long dark tail to go with its dark body. It has compact muscles and walks with a flow rate movement in its limbs. The height of a male black panther is about nine feet, and a female is vii to eight feet tall. The male weight tin can weigh as little as 85 pounds and up to 198 pounds, but a female can weigh from 75 to 130 pounds. The carriage span of a black panther is about twenty...If you desire to get a full essay, ordinance it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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