
Monday, September 30, 2013

Sexual Harassment

familiar harassment When you think of Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, or Lorena Bobbit what comes to head? If you are like many people, informal harassment in all likelihood popped in your head. And because of these famous cases the piece of sexual harassment complaints that the EEOC (Equal physical exercise Opportunity Committee) has increased by more than 50%! familiar harassment is a titanic issue nowadays in every business; if go away unattended it could cost companies thousands, if non millions, in damages.
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In 1980 the Supreme flirt ruled that sexual harassment was a violation of the gracious Rights Ac t of 1964. From 1978 to 1980, sexual harassment cases brought against companies cost them $189 million. This number blush to $267 million from 1985-1987. Although this number jumped signifi pooptly, the rate of sexual harassment had not. damage are solely not numbers. Sexual harassment can cause detriment to a company’s image, reputation, customers, as well as th...If you want to get a replete(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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