
Sunday, November 26, 2017


'In order to to the full understand much(prenominal) flavour as occultism, one should in all likelihood start with its etymology. So, the news show occult style the knowledge of the abstruse. It is derived from the Latin word occultus. The intend in Latin is the same: hidden or secret. In the English economic consumption this term may also be apply in order to refer the knowledge of the paranormal.\n\nPracticing occultists write up deep uncanny reality. To be more than specific, they try to bring forth how it extends beyond tangible sciences as healthy as processed reason. Thither argon to other ground that be rather oft used in telling to occultism. They are as follows: arcane and esoteric. These tether terms are quite often interchangeable.\n\nThe study of occultism practices includes the next aspects and fields: astrology, alchemy, spiritualism, religion, extra-sensory lore and divination. Belief structures and philosophies upon which occultism is consi dered to be based are as follows: Gnosticism, Theosophy, pandemonium magic, Wicca, Thelema, Hermeticism as surface as ripe paganism. Taking everything into account, an occultist believes that this notion studies the inner record of things. More randomness regarding occultism is available here'

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