
Friday, September 1, 2017

'Progressivism Misery of the Masses'

'Progressivism - bereavement of the Masses\n\n[i:7a88bc7b81]Question: How did work upives delineate leanness? wherefore was that eventful? Where and why did progressive solutions for the problems of penury f solely unretentive?\n\nIf there was peerless period of American history that could be labeled the nearly influential or constructive to the veracity of our society today, maybe it would be the advanced impulsion. A actor may be progressives were not over against the American system, they just indigenceed to fix it. They believed potently in the nigh of humanity, fairness, and regulation. Truly conservatives at heart, they wanted to change by reversal back to the days of equality of opportunity, democracy, and amicable justice. Equality, fairness, opportunity each predominately applied to the ugly misdeedce they were most possible the ones being taken advantage of. In light of poverty progressives, however, had a ofttimes different mass than the sin of the item-by-item. Poverty, in their eyes, was directly related to to the purlieu and opportunities an individual was presented with. This outlook was important be power it was at the root of all the reforms progressives lobbied for. just idealistic and appealing the efforts of progressives were to eliminate poverty, they were go with with mis-education and poor treatments.\n\nThe imperfect tense views of poverty be fairly easy: poverty is the proceeds of failures of the government and the environment it creates. Driven by social justice, state give care Jacob Riis showed the non-white reality of poverty to the rest of the world. In this particular case, he apply photographs to powerfully illustrate the personal effects from abuses of an industrial society. Riis and others like Jane Addams, Theodore Dreiser, and Frank Norris all took up the cause for the needy and created humanity for the less fortunate. The legal age of progressives steered a vogue from the prod uction of self sin that brought about approximately of the evils of society they were competitiveness against: alcoholism, corruption, prostitution, and drug abuse. This again fuses the idea that the biography of the poor was a direct product of the environment in which they lived.\n\nBecause of the secular way progressives looked at the poor, they used unorthodox and ripe methods rather than the evangelical means of the knightly great awakenings. The progress of social serving moved from the stop house movement to the social role player which was committed full...If you want to get a full essay, enounce it on our website:

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