
Friday, May 5, 2017

Transcultural Study - Greek Culture

According to the 2007 U.S. enumerate Bureau, in that location argon 1,380,088 citizenry of Greek ancestry in the join States. Greek Americans behave a heavy soaking up in the New York urban center metropolitan atomic number 18a, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Baltimore, Houston, Dallas, Cleveland and Florida. In general, the Greeks be particularly proud of their burnish and speak of their country with an brutal passion. Traditions, religion, music, language and food argon the major composites of the culture of Greece.\nThe wonder took place in a comfortable and quiet automatic teller of Mrs. HRs apartment. The interviewed person was a 55 years old woman of Greek origin. As a typical Greek, Mrs. HR has black, wavy, bluff hair, large philias and olive colored skin, which is a leave behind of heritage and Mediterranean climate. She has enunciate nose with the characteristic check along the bridge. Mrs. HR was born(p) in Corfu, which is one of the islands on the West Coas t of Greece in the Ionian Sea. She is married and has cardinal children. Hoping for a better demeanor and an education for her children Mrs. HR immigrated to the United States when she was 26 years old.\nMrs. HR demonstrates the warmth and hospitality of her raft. It is Greek custom when meeting person for the first time to foment hands firmly, smile, and maintain get hold of eye contact. Greeks value eye contact. Eye contact is a sign of seeking dialogue and contact with other people. Greeks are demonstrative people that twinge and kiss. Close contact is considered unimp individuallyable between Greeks. Firm handshakes are used frequently in social situations, and patting of the shoulder or back is a shared out gesture between people who are relatively unfamiliar with from each one other. When Greeks meet there friends, they often embrace; they may also kiss each other on each cheek. Personal, face-to-face contact is zippy to the Greek idea of communication. creation Greek almost eternally means you love to talk. train of voice is a hatful higher than an average talker... If you penury to get a secure essay, order it on our website:

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