
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Poetry - Hanging Fire and We Real Cool

Few things atomic number 18 precisely known some the speaker in the rime Hanging Fire, written by Audre Lorde. In this poesy, the speaker is a fourteen year elder colored girl. She is sooner radiation pattern for a girl her progress; she has a crush on a teenage boy and wears braces to straighten her teeth. This girl has doubt, this is shown in her soilment she does lust to do anything. Like roughly teens she compares herself to her peers, question why she isnt on the Math police squad when grades were better than the male she envied. The teenager in the poem is olfactory modality depressed and worthless. Teenagers go through these stages. For example she says suppose I die before grade they will sing worrying melodies but finally put forward the truth about me (pg.719 Lorde) this shows how inadequate she call ups of herself. She mentions dying repeatedly passim the poem. She also mentions on pageboy 719, and mommas in the bedroom with the door closed(a) (Lord e) leading the lecturer to remember she feels lonely, neglected, and go without notice. She feels she isnt charming when she speaks of her betraying skin and ashy knees. The reader can also intend that the teenager feels unable to interpret care of herself in the many statements that she might die soon, because of the lose of mothers attention. The poem Hanging Fire is quite sad and very touchableistic. \nOn another note, the poem We corporeal Cool, written by Gwendolyn Brooks, is suddenly and sweet, but full of real world youth relate problems. The We in this poem, is sevener share players who have dropped out of school. They underwrite this act as a cool thing, like orotund and bad boys. More specifically the we is meant to have the reader think about the validity of the seven jackpot players. The seven pool players are unsure of who they sincerely are, but they dont question it on a daily basis consciously; instead they continually state what makes them cool and h ow cool they are. The develop Live fast, die young, and leave...

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