
Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Odyssey - Menelaus\' Wound

Homers indite is characterized by his use of epic- similes (˜Homeric-similes), in the main defined as voluptuous and extended metaphors. Often, the similes fomite is some(prenominal) longer and more abstruse than its tenor, and much thought mustiness be given to right on parse its call uping and realize the comparison between the vehicle and the tenor. One such simile is Homers depiction of the wound Menelaos is inflicted by Pandaros:\nAs when some char ivory dyes with red/purple,\nA Maeonian woman or a Karian woman, to be a cheekpiece of horses;\nIt lies in an inner room, and many horsemen\n solicit to have it; for a queer it is laid up as a glory/ outrage/honor (agalma),\nBoth an laurel wreath for the horse and for the charioteer, glory (kudos);\n and so for you, o Menelaos, were stained with broth the thighs\nShapely/graceful, and shanks and ankles, beautiful, underneath (Book 4, lines 141-147).\n date the tenor of this simile, Menelaos battle wound, is sincere and easy to understand, the vehicle is complex and multifaceted. On the simplest level, who do these characters fight? Who is this Maeonian or Karian woman? Who atomic number 18 the horsemen and the tycoon? Is the charioteer a refreshful character or is he a reference to the king? The vehicle presents four dissimilar characters, yet the tenor lonesome(prenominal) mentions one (Menelaos). Likewise, the simile is intercommunicate to Menelaos (Thus for you, O Menelaos ), yet it is not empower that each or even out any of these characters actually take on him. Seemingly, each one of these characters adds other element to the simile and their inclusion body must be tacit in assure to properly comprehend the tenor. Another inquire that can be asked is whether the simile tries to glorify Menelaos wound. How should the staining or decease of Menelaos thighs be perceived? While the simile compares it to dying ivory, the same Greek subject is used for both and thereby exalts the wound. The miano can also mean to stain, defile, and sully, especially with ref... If you want to convey a full essay, order it on our website:

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