
Friday, October 14, 2016

Ignorance in Anthem and Animal Farm

The phrase, ignorance is bliss, implies that sometimes not having association close something distressful, can be better than knowing and stressing about it. Bliss means to involve great joy, and and it is explored in, Anthem, ignorance does not ceaselessly ensure a some soundbox to bliss. In, Anthem, the people of Equalitys society atomic number 18 oftentimes sc ard and melancholy. They fork over have no knowledge of wherefore they arent allowed to love who they unavoidableness to love, why they cant do the jobs they want to do, and why they arent allowed to ask questions. However, they attend the government because they are animal to what behavior would be desire without these laws. Everyone in this society has been raise ignorant of their governments form of corruption; their oppression of individuals. These people fail to light up this, and their lives are miserable because of it. For example, in the text it says, Yet our brothers are not like us. either is not w ell with our brothers. They are Fraternity 2-5503, a chill out boy with wise, kind eyes, who yell suddenly without reason, in the midst of day or night, and their body shakes with sobs they cannot explain. They are Solidarity 9-6347, who are a bright youth, without fear in the day; but they telephone in their sleep, and they scream: dish us! Help us! Help us! into the night, in a voice which chills our bones, but the doctors cannot cure Solidarity 9-6347, (Rand 47). Solidarity 9-6347 and Fraternity 2-5503 are both people, who have unexplainable outbursts and sobbing. They bustt know why they cry or are miserable, but they are. Compared to Equality who is, mirthful to be living, (Rand 47) since he has been enlightened with the fortune of love, they seem to be disconsolate. Rand communicates the idea that life is plain better when you are not ignorant or oblivious.\nA life where everyone is ignorant, is a life that no one wants to live. This is particularly true in the book , savage Farm. Since the pigs of the f...

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