
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Continental Drift

In 1915, Alfred Wegener posed the theory of continental drift. Wegener believed that at unmatchable point the Earth was bonded together as one large continent. He believed that they had all drifted apart over the years. Wegener was a German geologist and meteorologist. He named the supposed single land mass on Earth Pangaea, meaning All-earth. Scientists still do not protrude to understand sufficiently that all earth sciences must flip over over tell apart toward unveiling the state of our artificial satellite in previous times, and that the truth of the matter can yet be reached by combing all this evidence (Wegener, 1915). Continental drift was a theory that became the precursor to plate tectonics. Wegener held a Ph.D. in astronomy; he worked as a prof of meteorology. He had eternally been interested in geophysics, developing field of meteorology, and climatology. While at Marburg, in the autumn of 1911, Wegener was browsing in the university library when he came acros s a scientific wallpaper that listed fossils of identical plants and animals plunge on opposite sides of the Atlantic (UCMP, 2011). This cultivation sparked the interest of Wegener and he started looking and finding more graphic symbol of organisms that had been separated by the ocean. He realized that South the States and Africa seemed to fit together. It had the port that if the edges of the continental shelves were closer they would match as if they were a puzzle. American Frank Taylor was working on the akin problem at the same time, but they were unaware of each other, much the like Darwin and Wallace (Lee, 2009). Dr. Wegener was the firm believer of the two and accredited the credit for the theory. The branch presentation of Wegeners work was at a geology contact in 1912, but the meeting account statement shows no evidence of this discussion. He published two paper in this same year on the subject. He was recuperating from a gunshot contuse from World War I whe n he wrote a neat book about his ideas call! ed Die Entstehung der Kontinente und...If you deprivation to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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