
Thursday, January 30, 2014


Chechnya The National Anthem Of Chechnya Death or Freedom came onto this manhood when the wolf cubs began to whine under the she-wolfs feet. Our names were picked for us at day-break while the lion roared. Our gentle mothers nurtured us in our eagle nests. And our fathers taught us to tame the oxen of the forests. Our mothers dedicated us to our Nation and our Homeland. And we shall rise up to the last one if our res publica needs us. We grew up free as the eagles, princes of the mountains. There is no threshold from which we shall shy away. to begin with shall cliffs of granite begin to melt also molten lead than any one of us shall snooze off in battle the honor of our noble nature. Sooner shall the hide out begin to crack in quiet down from the heat than we shall evasiveness under the earth, having lost our honor. Never to fore our heads to anyone, we give our numinous pledge. To die or to live in freedom is our fate. Our sisters be restored our brothers bloody wounds with their songs. Our ...If you want to get a full essay, range it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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