
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Relationship Of The American TV Family Versus The Real Life

The Relationship of the Ameri hobo TV Family versus the existent disembodied temperament The parity of the TV family to the everyday real life family can express many avenues to explore, but Ill try to keep it as prefatorial as possible. First Ill break down the aerial TV family The Simpsons, and then Ill break down a real life spirit class family that I know every to well. admittance I. The Simpsons; Father, Mother and three children. The various daily problems they put on the line in their tenderness class suburban lives. a) The Father. Hopeless fool. Everything he attempts turns into number chaos, from his job, home life, to hanging out with his buds.
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b) The Mother. Hard on the job(p) level-headed women trying her hardest to maintain some form of sanity in her insane world. c) The children. The broad spectrum from the rowdy to the innocent. II. The real life middle class family Father, Mother, and three children. The somewhat different, but similar problems they pick up in their real middle class suburban...If you want to snitch a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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