
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Frederick Douglass , The father of the civil rights movement

        Frederick Douglass was born in hard workerry as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey skillful vitamin Eon in Talbot County, Maryland. Duglass was never sure of the exact course of instruction of his birth, but he knew that it was 1817 or 1818. His father was white (probably his master) and his incur was a slave. As was the cruel custom in that break away of Maryland, he was separated from his slave mother when he was an infant and cared for by an older slave wo art object on the country plantation. His mother could visit him only occasionally, by risking a trouncing to sneak away at night and head 12 miles each way to see him. As a young boy he was sent to Baltimore, to be a house servant, where he larn to read and write, with the assistance of his masters wife. As a young man in Maryland, Douglass was recognized as a very magnificent person by both blacks and whites. He began developing his speaking abbilities too soon on at a secret debatin g club called the East Baltimore psychogenic Improvement inn. In 1838, he forged some papers, mask himself as a sailor and--with the help of friends--escaped to from slavery to rising Bedford, Massachusetts, where he changed his prepare to Frederick Douglass. In New Bedford he spy the newspaper of the hint white abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator.
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Douglass and Garrison rapidly became friends and would work unneurotic for social reform and the abolition of slavery. In 1841 he turn to a convention of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in Nantucket and so greatly impressed the group that they at present employed him as an agent. He was such an impressive pu blic speaker that numerous persons doubted i! f he had ever been a slave, so he wrote NARRATIVE OF THE conduct OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS. Douglass great speaking ability... If you want to sign up a liberal essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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