
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Community Issue

In the Tipp City community they recently had an emergency revenue levy stating that they mandatory more funds in profane swearing for the naturalize to function properly. The susceptibility was questioning if the levy would non pass and they were already planning to put the levy pole on the ballot the next November and hope that the community had the contend to vote yes. Their superintendent Dr. John Kronour said, That the motivation would be thither because if the levy is not passed this course of instruction, then the school lead go a year with step forward collections, resulting in doubling the cuts the school has already made. Some Tipp City members supported the levy and few exceedingly opposed the levy passing. Superintendent Kronour made lists of cuts for the following year for if the levy did not pass, which some argued that it was a flash tactic. The climb on also tried reaching out to those opposing by making it clear that voting against the levy will co nstitute its consequences. The tax levy issue seems to be a reoccurrence in other towns and cities including mine. Get up, it is time for school, my momma would say. I would eternally wake up in a good body fluid and prepare myself for the school day. These were my spirit school days and I could not wait to genuinely get to school.
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