
Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Black Boy"

integrity primary(prenominal) point of the United States Constitution was missing from the Jim fellate S come forwardh: equality. The Constitution clearly states that all men argon created equal, only when in the Jim Crow era, blacks were continuously persecuted for something that would be unimpeachable today. During slavery the South was a place of racial prejudice, discrimination, and hate. Blacks could be punished for simply looking at a neat person the wrong way. Punishments included arrests, beatings, even lynchings were a public part of the age. Blacks in this time were considered second coterie citizens and had basically no rights what so ever. Blacks that Richard knew, dealt with racism in different ways. One way that Richards friend Griggs dealt with racism was to learn to transaction how whites cute him to. He wouldnt do anything to correct white masses mad. round advice that Griggs gave to Richard was to, learn how to live in the South (217). He told him to dismount out of white peoples way and to not make them mad. Griggs main advice was to act like a black male child is call back to. Another person who had to deal with racism was the hotel wet-nurse at Richards old job at a hotel. She was walking out of the hotel with Richard and a white security guard grabbed her butt.
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Even though she knew exactly what happened, she just kept on walking. Richard asked her, How could you let him do that (234). She replied, It dont matter. They do that all the time (234). The hotel maid had encountered this abuse a lot so she was used to it, knowing if she spoke up she would be punished. Richard wanted to do something but she just told him, You would a been a fool if you had done something (234! ). If you want to deject a bountiful essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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