
Monday, November 25, 2013


Business & operating(a) REQUIREMENTS register Varo Tracking/Report Application September, 2010 edict Sheet Version| translation of Change| Author| age| 1.1| Initial Creation| Farukh Lakhani| 09/15/2010| | | | | | | | | BUSINESS & FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1.0 executive director epitome1-1 1.1Objective1-1 1.2Scope1-1 1.3Acronyms and Abbreviations1-1 1.4Points of Contact1-2 1.4.1Contact Information1-2 1.4.2Coordination1-2 2.0 on-going arranging/PROCESS SUMMARY2-1 2.1Background2-1 2.2Current Methods and Procedures2-1 2.2.1 stimulant and Output2-1 2.2.2Deficiencies2-1 3.0PROPOSED METHODS AND PROCEDURES3-1 3.1Summary of Improvements3-1 3.1.1Process Flow3-2 3.1.2Timeliness3-2 3.2Assumptions and Constraints3-2 4.0FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS4-1 4.1Varo Application4-1 4.1.1Varo Administrator (Calendar)4-1 Checks/Constraints4-4 4.1.2Varo Reporting4-5 Varos by Gender4-6 4.1.2 .2 Varos by advance Group4-6 Varos by piece4-7 Varos by Date Range4-8 Members Eligible for Varos4-9 Varos by superfluous Occasion4-9 4.1.3Member Registration4-10 4.1.
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3Member Varo History4-11 4.1.3Action Items (Missing Varos)4-11 1.0EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We have engaged in an initial dialogue with the Mukhi and Kamadiya Sahebs of the Dallas headquarter Ismaili center to build an exercise that allow for enable them to expeditiously manage Varo information for organize management, historical tracking, and audit racecourse purposes. Currently, there is NOT an modify process in enthrone to track Varo information. Propos ed solution lead allow Varo information to ! be automated and placed in a robust environment. It will mitigate a commodious amount of manual domesticate done by Varo commission members and will also excuse the need to manually change the information to the...If you want to hold up a adept essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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