
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The Mysterious Minoans It is believed that the Minoan civilization was the inspiration for Platos Atlantis, operate to the dialogue in The Minoan Civilization-Atlantis Found? stating Upon examination of Platos words on Atlantis as written in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, we baring many similarities between what archaeologists and historians know to be true for the Minoans, and characteristics Plato attributes to Atlantis and its occupants. make its similarities of culture, the use of the Mediterranean, advanced civilization, the location, Platos story of Poseidon, the use of ivory, and the motive of its decline, evidence suggest that the Minoans might be in cause the inspiration of Platos Atlantis. Atlantis is a legendary island in the Atlantic, westward of Gibraltar, that sunk beneath the sea during a violent extravasation of earthquakes and floods some 9,000 years before Plato wrote near it in his Timaeus and Critias. In a news of utopian societies, Plato cl aims that Egyptian priests told Solon well-nigh Atlantis. Plato was not describing a real locate any practically than his allegory of the cave describes a real cave. The purpose of Atlantis is to feel out a moral message in a word of honor of ideal societies, a favorite theme of his.
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The fact that slide fastener in Greece for 9,000 years had mentioned a battle between detonator of Greece and Atlantis should serve as a clue that Plato was not yack about a real lieu or battle. Nevertheless, Plato is often cited as the primary source for the reality of a place on earth called Atlantis. Researchers have found many similarities with Atlantis with that of the Minoans. hit is one o f the similarities Platos Atlantis and the M! inoan civilization have in common. It is known that the Minoans practiced bull jumping which was a spiritual ritual where an unarmed man wrestled and jumped over a bull. Platos description of Atlantis mentioned bulls being hunted. Plato spoke of bulls hunted with ropes within a temple in Atlantis....If you want to get a amply essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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