
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Macbeth and Victor Frankenstein

There are an abundance of human qualities that can be considered imperative or negative. For instance greed and opposition although possesing akin(p) definitions, greed is a negative quality while intake is autocratic. Ambition is an earnest desire for some type of erudition or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth. The ambitions of both Lady Macbeth and passkey Frankenstein had the power to take over their mental state and squeeze them both into an unstable condition. Although they had different objectives in mind, either positive or negative ambitions, both are striving for a sense of power. Victor Frankensteins main ambitions were to become and uphold a godly figure by creating forward-loo nance life. He had magnanimous up learning from outdated books, so this was all he k unexampled. After att supplanting a university in Ingolstadt and being taught new sciences he was completely blown away. Being little and naive he had a mind that could simply be molded. in a flash astonished by what his professors taught him and what he could be, this is where his desire to discover and heighten had all began. After achieving his aspirations of creating new life he was deject at what he had done. Was he not only scare he was embarrassed at what he had created. He tells no one it is his creation, although he watches the monster become irrepressible.
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The monster brings the lives of innocents to an wind up and becomes self destructive. Victor understands this and mentally changes from a naive spring chicken scientist into a disillusional man with a guilt filled concious. this instant his only intentions in mind are to end what is leftover field of his selfish jouney. He iso! lates himself from the rest of the world and puts forrard either minute into what seems as his own vindication, by terminus what he had started the monsters life. Lady Macbeth through out the play is an rabid woman who desired a sense of power and a graduate(prenominal) standing position. She understands the quickest way for her husband Macbeth to become mogul is to murder...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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