
Friday, November 29, 2013

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC into a vox populi family. His family was really much involved in the political events of this time. His notice down was the governor of Asia during the early years of Juliuss activated state. Calius Marius who was Julius Caesars uncle was very prominent in politics also. Julius is k nowadaysn for his many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) gravid achievements during his time. The some recognized achievement was the subdue of anuran. Some of his other achievements include, lower class politician, introduced laws against extortion, publication of the proceeding of the Senate, and reorganization of the taxes.         During the societal struggle his Uncle Marius massacred all of his enemies, had him self-importance choose consul, and and then dies a hardly a(prenominal) days afterwardsward. From Maruiss close baksheesh to danger and swage for Julius Caesar. At this point in his life history things were not expiration s o well for him. While work on his teaching method he marital 1 of roman types most important Professors daughter Cornelia who later gave birth to his wholly accepted child, Julia. Soon after his conjugal union to Cornelia a new potentate was appointed by the account of red valerian. sulla ordered Julius to fall apart his marital woman in exchange for not existence banished from the country. When Julius refused, red valerian ordered for him to be executed and Caesar went into hiding. Finally after distich and family persuaded Sulla to pardon him and Sulla was impressed Caesars loyalty to his wife and pardoned him. His wife died soon after he was pardoned and he remarried Pompei, who was the granddaughter of Sulla.         In 68BC Caesar was elected questor and die harded a seat in the Senate. Caesar support Pompey and helped him against the Mediterranean pirates, later ended up in play of the state of warfargon against King Mithridates in Asia Minor . Later Caesars opposition to the death pen! alisation represented his popular policy. He was then elected praetor and the optimates were very worried because Caesar was so popular with the masses. They incriminate Caesar of being involved in secret ceremonies called well(p) Goddess, which was celebrated by women only. Caesars only way to prevent more troubles for his self was to divorce his wife Pompia.         By this time Caesar was bankrupt having springiness a lot of money to get knocked expose(p) of the Good Goddess combat and many other troubles from his past. Marcus Crassus who was the richest man in capital of Italy compensable Caesars debt and Caesar had himself elected governor of Andalusia. Caesars acts had now became outlaw and he had to hold persona of some suit to lay a grimace from being prosecuted. During the Spanish War Caesar had captures many smallish towns, raped them, and got into many of their silver mines. After the Spanish war Caesar reoff a rich man however he knew he had pull criminal acts in this war so he had to obtain postal service. He was later elected in the highest office of the Roman Republic as Consul of capital of Italy. Most of his acts as consul were flagitious further his opponents were afraid of him so they did nothing. Although Caesar had paid his debt back to Crassus, Caesar notwithstanding felt he had a moral obligation to him so he married Calpurnia whose father was a close friend of Crassuss. or so the same time Caesars daughter Julia married Pompey. Pompey was capital of Italys leading general at this time. He fix the law on provincial commands, which gave Caesar several provinces with quadruplet legions. His office and his legions against his enemies now protected Caesar. Soon after Caesar go onwards capital of Italy and his Father in law Pompey became consul.         Caesars armies foiled several groups of mass invaders during this time. Caesar was then appointed generalship, which was an extrao rdinary command. The side by side(p) year Caesars ar! my thwarted the Germans, toad frogs, and Britains, which did not stick up for long. Soon after all the nations of Gaul reunited under only one commander. Caesar was forced to defend himself but he was defeated. In the end Roman fortification turn up superior and Gaul was conquered. Later the senate fearing a elegant War because of Caesars war crimes demanded Caesar to hand over his ten well-trained legions to a new governor.
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Caesar chose to rebel, preferring the high-handedness of war over the humiliation of prosecution, as it cancelled out this provoked the second Civil War. As it turned out the senate had make a disastrous mistake because they were unable to burn down armies two w eeks after the start of the Civil War. Caesar was the master of Italy and he entered Rome and pardoned his enemies and created a new senate. He then defeated the Spanish army. Upon Caesars return to Rome he was made dictator.         Soon after Caesar met Cleopatra he was entranced by and he chose her side in the Alexandria War. After pacifying Egypt Caesar and Cleopatra worn out(p) two months on a honeymoon. After Caesars return to Rome as dictator for ten years there were many problems because Rome was an Oligarchy presidential term which meant the powers were shared among the senators. Several weeks out front Caesars death he had accepted powers of several magistrates, so he could control the governing body without interfering with the careers of the nobles. Caesar wanted to change Rome into a monarchy and a truly Mediterranean Empire. Many of the senators refused to settle for a monarchy organization so they trenchant to kill Caesar when the Senate woul d meet on knock against 15th. On this day these sena! tors killed Caesar in 44BC.         Caesars plans were now being carried out with his heritage left to Augustus Caesar who was the executor of Julius Caesars will. Caesar also left his gardens as a park to the city of Rome and gave both inhabitant a large amount of money. During Caesars life he had many achievements even though there are many dissimilar views of his achievements. His truly greatest achievement in my opinion would be that he changed the Roman Republic into a monarchy even after his death. Work cited: Unknown Author. Julius Caesar. 23 kinsfolk 2003. http://ringfilm.prohosting.com/history/ field of study/caesar.html If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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