
Thursday, November 28, 2013

"The Human in Captivity" A juxtaposition between the art within the Cloisters in New York City and the architecture of the Cloisters itself

... In the Middle Ages there was a hierarchic tipster ensemble of places: sacred places and overthrow places; saved places and break, exposed places ... It was this pure(a) hierarchy, this opposition, this hybridizing of places that constituted what could be very slightly be called gallant space: the space of emplacement (Of different Spaces, Foucault 22). The Cloisters, a disagreement of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in Fort Tryon Park, poses an interesting juxtaposition--a roughly hewn building of st whizz nestled in the middle of an pay and organic natural space. This arrangement brings to mind the genuine environs of gallant multiplication. By definition, a cloister refers to an architectural feature. It is literally an open aired walkway around an home(a) quadrangle, many times occupied by a garden. Historically, however, these cloisters were utilise often in monasteries and convents where the religious inhabitants were hidden from the stunnedside world . Thus, the playscript cloister became associated with the secluded monastery that the Cloisters museum imitates today. In the quote above, Michael Foucault comments briefly on the hierarchy of medieval space in his article Of Other Spaces. The medieval cloister does not stray from the concept of the hierarchy. It is one of the sacred and protected places, in direct opposition to the profane and open, exposed places Foucault speaks of.
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Although there is a certain degree of easiness in an enclose and protected space, there is also the undeniable sense of margin and captivity. From aspects as massive as the Cloisters architecture as a whole to details such as the artwork contained deep down its walls, the theme of captivit! y is ever so prominent. As Foucault states, everything in medieval social club had its place. The cloisters were a place of religious seclusion and reflection for the brothers and sisters of the church to brave beyond... If you want to get a full essay, set out it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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