
Friday, October 25, 2013


To be a hero in the eyes of school principal today you bear to admit a special guinea pig about you. Beowulf had characteristics about him that were very unique, only if very severalise from a hero of today. The characteristics that Beowulf had were things such as chivalry, brute strength, psychological toughness, and a boastful attitude. The heros of today sh ar some of these qualities, notwithstanding many are also different.         Beowulf was unitary of these leaders that render superhuman strengths, he has mental toughness that is above everyone, he has this attitude that makes him better than everyone else, but also keeps the women and children safe. These are the characteristics of a medieval hero. These heroess are in some ways analogous the heros of today. A hero in recent times may be strong, mentally tough, and always has time to give to the children. A hero in either time period had moderate of many people that either work for him or na turalise with him such as other knights, or other players on his team.         Characteristics in these heroes basis also differ greatly. The boastful and one C attitude that Beowulf had would not be a quality of a hero in todays eyes. A hero today would be solemn, kind, and peaceful, not similar the time period of Beowulf where the high long horse bill attitude was the best.
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Also the heroes of today also have qualities that are realistic. A hero today might be a professional athlete, who has skills above the rest in his field. there is one exception to my opinion though. The characteristics shown by Beowulf are close to like professional wrestling. This is the sport o r job that I can say would have almost the s! ame qualities as Beowulf, that not to the same extent.         The qualities shown by Beowulf can... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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