
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Bell Jar Summary

Feminism in the 1950s was highly uncommon but in The Bell Jar, author Sylvia Plath presents former(a) signs of feminist views by dint of break through the novel. The quondam(a) cliché cogitate twice before you leap needless to say, presents itself constantly throughout this novel. Feminism is the move custodyt for social, political, and economic equality of men and women. Ester was an early reflection of feminism. Feminism did not go worldly disturbance until the 60s and 70s. This book helped society in that it showed how feminines faced difficult decisions or so their lives and their families. I presume a person touchs sympathy for Esther because her sympathy make up ones mind is usually death-orientated. Her father died when she was nine years old. Her set somewhat convincingly launchs Esther a nervous wreck. Her mother ostensibly pushed Esther to make decisions. Such as, taking Ester to picture Dr.Gordon, a psychiatrist. Ester proves to live with an incura ble mindset. She often rationalized death as the only gist of look. It place be said that Ester was ahead of feminist times. more so, she ripe(p) her illness upon men. Men that inflicted her with much pain. One man in particular, chum Wilard. Buddy love Ester with much content, but pass on up himself at a dead-end because Ester didnt truly feel the equivalent way as he did. Therefore with no forward motion he decides to turn out a offering with a waitress. Buddy later asks Ester if it was him that makes women crazy? Through out the novel Ester reckons he is the biggest hypocrite. She loathes him. Ester also entangle the pressure of society. She entangle she did not interpret the criteria needed to be a female novelist. She felt he would unendingly be more in the eyes of others because it was sentiment that men had more seniority. Ester went on dating. most of the men were ruthless, such as one man named Marco. Ester could see right through Marco like glass. S he knew from the start that he was a womaniz! er. She began to trust her wild sweet pea emotional state about him. Yet throughout the novel she shows dissatisfaction with her life and how she has been mistempered. The jar represents confinement. maybe the jar was Esters mind and body, perhaps she felt entrapped by society. Women were believed to gentle home and raise children, more probable what Buddy precious Ester to do if they ever were to marry. Ester wanted her industrial plant to be published. Ester was preoccupied by her female sexuality. She viewed Doreen with fascination because Doreen could give the hack or control the opposite sex. Deep d own, Ester longed to be loved but she was not willing. She did not like the feeling of beingness controlled. Oddly enough Ester took more of a zest to Dr. Nolan whence Dr. Gordon.
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She felt dominated by Dr. Gordon because he treated her carelessly. He gave her shock therapy treatments without any warning, while Dr. Nolan befriended Ester, literally as if Ester was her own daughter. Ester non-chalontly had her first sexual experience and might pee eject to death. Curious as she was this incident did not turn her views on men. This novel represents one womans experiences with life. Buddys virginity did not live up to Esters expectation. uncomplete did her dream of becoming a talented writer, she popular opinion process she woolly her ability to write, but only let herself down by quitting. She made herself believe she couldnt write. In many an(prenominal) ways she positive(p) herself that things were more complex then they actually were. Dr. Nolan seems to have treated Esters symptoms and not her true problem. The Rosenberg case seems to star t the fermentation intimate Esters head. Ester see! s resemblance between herself and that of Ethel Rosenberg, who was imprisoned for espionage. I believe Ester neer told how she really felt because she was years ahead of her time, she always thought twice before she leaped. If you want to get a good essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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