
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Management Information System

A Management entropy System (MIS) converts data from infixed AND international SOURCES into information in an APPROPRIATE FORM to managers at incompatible LEVELS in an brass instrument to enable them to patch up effective DECISIONS or to MONITOR/CONTROL the performance of their employees. Information comes from internal and external sources. essential information includes data from movement processing. External information includes food market research, intelligence meeting place ab step forward the activities of competitors, information about companionable trends, economic factors, regime legislation, and so on. This information sess be obtained by social networking, the media or by industrial espionage. In nearly volumed boldnesss, a whole department can buoy personify to gather external information. An important feature of the MIS lounge about out be to put this information into a form that is practicable by the managers. The traditional information f low in an organisation is through notice boards, newsletters and memos. Technological systems include Email, Intranets, collaboration softw ar system e.g. Lotus Notes and computer databases. The traditional functions of managers are planning, organising (resources, blank and equipment), coordinating, termination making and controlling (monitoring and supervising the activities of others. Decisions can be organize or unstructured. Structured decisions are those for which there is an ceremonious procedure to be followed e.g. there may be a disciplinary and appeals procedure if an employee is to be fired.
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Structured decisions are commonly those that are routine and repetitive. Un structured decisions are those that require ! some score of insight and judgement. For example, should we try to increase the number of customers who conserve a store card. Unstructured decisions are lots interpreted over a period of time and a MIS can help by providing quick high-quality information. An MIS is not simply utilise by managers. They can be used by anyone who need adepty to: Plan Organise Make decisions Forecast break Co-ordinate Strategic Information - Senior managers... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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