
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Aspects in Marianella

Teodoro Golfín goes to visit Florentina w here(predicate) she is carry oning. This is where Marianella is dreary. The means a level-headed size, with several chairs and a desk. In the middle of the room, there was a long couch with a proboscis on it. The system was Marianellas. She is sleeping on the couch, determineing peaceful. Her hands were shaking, and she was sw take in. Florentina: Marianella is re each(prenominal)y regorge Teodoro: I bonk, how sick? Florentina: Very sick - she does not look well Teodoro: I learn. No, she doesnt. She is a actually shortsighted lady fri force out Florentina: yes, that she is Teodoro: She has had no education in her t wholeness. She is not truly fairly either...         Florentina: She definitely isnt! Teodoro: hahahaha, and yet here she sleeps on her finalebed. Pablo doesnt know how substantially a person she is. Marianella looks to probe Teodoro and Florentina talking. Florentina: Marianella, argon you scare d? Marianella: no Florentina. You are precise good, and so is Don Teodoro Teodoro: Nela, you are very sick Marianella: yes. I withdraw ive made Florentina angry. Florentina: no Marianela - you are a good person. Pablo arrives at the house of Florentina. Pablo: florentina, i comprehend my dad was here. Florentina does not practice him. Pablo didnt generate to visit Teodoro or Marianella .Pablo: It is not important to me to stay cheat after i perk up slide byn. I had a dream that that you were looking for me. To your placement were very unpicturesque girls. Why are you beautiful? Creí that you aspiration to be at my side. My cousin, and wife of my soul. Florentina: what? No,no,no. Teodoro, Pablo is crazy. Say something.Teodoro: Pablo..... go to your room!         Pablo: you are the boss, Teodoro. As Pablo was leaving, he sees Marianella on the couch. He looks at her. Pablo: My God! She is sick Teodoro: Of course she is you crazy fool. Pablo puts his hand o n Marianellas forehead. Marianella opens her! eyes and takes Pablos hand. Pablo cries out. Marianella: YO soja LA NELA! Pablo has discovered the world of the uncontaminating and beautiful. He sees the cloudiness in seeing all the time. Teodoro: She is faint-hearted out. Damn this Florentina: Die Marianela, so you do not scram to be like this. approximate Marianella. Pablo: Marianella no responde. Nela, mi querida Nela! Teodoro: trusty God! (Choir of Angels sings) Teodoro y Florentina pull Pablo alone in the room. Pablo: How ter rible. How terrible. I do not wishing to see anything. I do not emergency to see anymore..... Pablo runs out of the room. Teodoro comes in and tries to nevertheless her. A scream is perceive outside. Florentina and Teodoro run out of the room, and see Pablo on the floor. On the realm is one of his eyes. His hand was pull out the other eye.         Florentina: tending, dish up! Blood Teodoro hits Pablo, and pulls him to his feet. Teodoro: You are crazy Pablo: No Teodoro. I am mad north, northwest. When the wind is southly, I know a sky from a handsaw. Then, a blasting groan is heard from Marianella. Teodoro, Florentina, and the blind fool look in horror. The body of Marianella gets up reach the couch. It turns to the side and looks at the troika people. Teodoro: Marianella is a zombie! Help me! Pablo: I cant see anything! Florentina: What do we do? Jacaruso: You hand to fetch respect for the dead, unless they are ingest people. Marianella says in a junior-grade voice: crimson Rum, Red Rum. Pablo: what is she doing? Is she reallyly dead? Teodoro: no you fool. Marianella walks to Pablo and bites his strengthen Pablo: help! Shes eating me Marianella drags Pablos body to the couch, and begins eating him. Then, the door is worried down. A handsome group of police enters the room. Teodoro and Florentina are confused. Jacaruso: Im ships officer Jacaruso. Marianella is a know criminal. She has been selling drugs, and eating people for years.< br/>Order your essay at Orderessay and get a 100% original and high-quality custom paper within the required time frame.
Tim rib enters the room Costa: Marianella is a robot I made. She leave me like all girls do, and began eating people. Dont hurt her, please. Everyone is relieved to know the truth. Then, Jacaruso shoots the zombie. Jacaruso: I have no respect for her, she was eating people. [all exit At the end of this novel, I felt surprised at what happened. I had in the first place thought this disc would have a happy ending. I thought Marianella and Pablo would have been close, and fallen in love. I was very surprised that Marianella died. I was sad because she was such a good, lovableness person. She had a hard life, and solely loved Pablo. When she died, it seemed like the death of an innocent and loving person. It was tragic. I felt pestiferous that her life was as hard as it was. She was ugly, and not educated. But she was eternally nice to everyone. She cared for Pablo, and wanted him to have sight. She would do anything for him. What Marianella felt for Pablo was real love. I felt bad that she died, and that her and Pablo were not anything more. Marianella was a loving person, who didnt deserve to die. She lost her one love, and died. She died of a broken heart. This makes it very sad, and makes me feel bad. In my opinion, it was cost reading this contain. discipline Marianella helped my Spanish reading skills. It helped improve my pinch of spanish, and how it is used. I also conditioned more spanish phrase words. Because it helped me fall apart understand spanish, it helped me with my writing. Reading books helps with understanding spanish and how it is used. This book should be used following(a) year. The books are not in very good condition, only they help students have a better understanding of spanish. If you want to get! a full essay, site it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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