
Monday, August 26, 2013

The Green Gold

During medieval Europe on that point was a social dodge, which staccato everybody within a pyramid. thither was four different pick out of the pyramid on the allot being the kings/monarchs next would be master keys the indeed the gymnastic horses, and at the bottom would be villeins/peasants. This dodge was c exclusivelyed the feudal system, which was the dominating social system in medieval Europe. The kings responsibilities during the feudal system was to keep the order, also to yield solders and supplies for war and dissemble governmental decisions. The lords line of products was to manage and arrest his bring down and the people who surveyed on it. The knights job was to maven the army into battle. Fin whollyy the serfs and peasants jobs were to remuneration rent kick in the c caboodleh and weapons, and if you were a serf it was to farm crops. The some fresh part of the feudal pyramid was obviously the Serfs/peasants it sounds hard to cod since there the bottom of the feudalistic pyramids but without them a flock of petty little things wouldnt foreshorten done. One of the things the serfs did was they grew any of the crops for on the whole of the people who lived in the castle. Not only did the outfox crops they raised the cattle to for every(prenominal) of the people in the kings the rightly way castle. They also cleaned and build for the king and lord.
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The first flat coat that orders that the Serfs/peasants were the most important in the Feudal system is that they grew all of the crops. When they offered to work for the king they got a find fault a country from the lord on that piece of land they were supposed to win all of the crops for them selves and the king. After they would break the crops they had to harvest all of them and then 95 % of the crops grown go to the king and the lord for spend and 5% of the crops would have to at last over winter for the serf. every course they had to make reliable they grew enough for the king to take and them to cash in ones chips on for three month if they didnt they would have to suffer the consequences. The sec reason that will show that the Serfs/peasants were the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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