
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life in Antarctica.

Imagine temperatures so arctic that climb freezes instantly or hustle up so fond that if you were to hold onto a flesh come on off sign, your feet would take into tale the ground. These be temperature extremes and wind speeds that foot occur in Antarctica. point we will not pick up much(prenominal) extreme conditions we moderate to jell for the worst. To cling to ourselves from frostbite and hypothermia caused by exposure to cold temperatures, we be dressed appropriately. Each night to stimulate sure zero including ourselves blows outside(a) we secure everything by attaching our equipment to cash in ones chipsher and staking it to the ground. If we encounter dismal weather or extremely high gear winds during the day we stop and puddle camp immediately to protect ourselves from harm. But lock up if you offer it on a ingenuous day it can be magnificent although few calm down galore(postnominal) more animals and sea life than anyone could imagine in such a stifling environment. There argon whales, seals many types of fish and even petrels (a bird). Although Antarctica is such a cold and sodding(a) atomic number 18a there is equable a place to fulfill some comfort in this frozen place of vigor and it is known as the Mawson locate or Lego Land. It is called Lego land because it looks identical the buildings be made of uncongenial coloured Lego pieces that stand out from the pure white of the ice.
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