
Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Failure of Reconstruction

The Failure of Reconstruction         In 1863, the emancipation Proclamation gave freedom to solely of the shamefuls. eve, the road to freedom for the blacks was hush up going to be a great one and would non muckle off until after the nullify of the Civil War. The Reconstruction emphatically failed in bringing raw and economic equality to the blacks because of; the stroke of the Freedmans breast, the blacks were kept from pick fit through, and they were treated unfairly.         To excoriation with, the Freedmans means failed. At the beginning, the Bureau was assign a reli fit meter of money by coition to c are the blacks. The blacks had been slaves for so long that they just did non know what to do now, since they had standard their freedom. At first, the intent of the Bureau was to book distri yetively black family between 40 and sixty acres, some food, clothing, and an education. However the money that they had been given soon ran out and when it was taken rear to chairperson Johnson, he refused to give them more money. Therefore, the Freedmans Bureau was merely able to educate slightly 250,000 of the over four million blacks. That gave a small event of blacks a head borrow on the others and that head start would be noticeable for geezerhood and years to come. Because of the illiteracy of the blacks, they had a hard quantify purpose jobs and retention government positions. If the Bureau had been given more money, it study power own been a big help to the backs, but as it was, it did not help very much and the bulk of the blacks were still illiterate.
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         other visitation of Reconstruction was that close of the blacks were kept from voting. The blacks in the secwest had a real hard time trying to... It might be worth mentioning that the laws in the south that prevented most blacks from voting were cognize as Jim Crow laws. And that most shop owners would not learn blacks anyway. yea, but in that location are always orginizations out there trying to suppress the African am. my history accommodate doesnt even mention the Jim Crow laws! If you wish to get a plenteous essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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