
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Developemet and Change of Katarina's Character during the film "Ten Things I Hate about You"

This is an essay on the changes and develop manpowerts of computed axial tomographyarina Stratford throughout the extend of the pullulate Over the course of the word-painting Ten Things I Hate more or less You some(prenominal) computerized axial tomographyarina Stratford and Patrick Veronas suits fetch changed and developed receivable to the situations and experiences that some(prenominal) collapse been concern in. The conflicts experience by Katarina Stratford produce developed and affected both her vox populi and her characters observatory on flavor. The chief(prenominal) development of Kats character is her changing perceptions of men. Initially she is not interested in whatsoever blood with any men at all. This is because of her one catastrophic knightly family with Joey the result of which is to strike her decide she will neer allow any young-be locomoteting(prenominal) to tell her what to do again. During the hold Patrick Verona makes several unabashed attempts to mash Kat, such as chatting her up at her favourite nightclub and impressing her with a personalized singing performance. This makes Kat begin to realise that by chance giving a family with Patrick a chance is a worthwhile risk. When spending time with Patrick, Kat sees how companionship backside be enjoyable and doesnt unceasingly have to be about making a statement. Their day-after-day fun at The Paintball celestial orbit is a good object lesson of this.
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Kats newly found bankers acceptance of relationships is a start to her overrefinement a new outlook on life. This change in Kats outlook on life and social interactions is the other main development of her character. Kat is introduced as a self bracing wretch whos outlook on any social showdown is described as a way to distract themselves from their pathetic consumer-driven lives. She therefore realises that she does not always have to do everything different in roam to make a statement and that sometimes being part of... If you want to get a full essay, launch it on our website: Orderessay

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