
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scarface as an Entrepreneur

In May 1980, Fidel Castro opened the declare in Mariel, Cuba to let tight of his people join their families in the United States. Castro took advantage of this outlook by exporting Cubas criminals to the United States. Hidden among the newcomers were the dregs of the is treats jails; criminals considered to be beyond redemption. Tony meitnerium was among these people; he saying American as the land of opportunity. His infamous quote, First you enlistment the money, and so you function the power, and then you get the women, shows that Tony knew exactly what he wanted out of career and what he needed to do in dictate to get hold of it. As a felicitous drug lord, he achieved everything he strived for through hard hightail it and determination. He never took no for an answer and was always in control. Throughout the duration of the movie, Tonys entrepreneurial qualities are influence apparent repeatedly; he was always looking for and grasping opportunities, without hesitation, that would make him money. Tony suffered from the deficit specimen; came from a poor family with no father figure and in conclusion the entrepreneurial downfall; he had everything that he thought he wanted, yet he was not satisfied, he wanted more. His cupidity began to push him down a negative path. Pushing his family and friends away, and last leading to his death.
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My partner, Zac Stevenson, and I single-minded that Tony Montana is a skinny example of an entrepreneur because he possessed many of the qualities that we devote seen within other entrepreneurs discussed in the class. Although the movie deals with an illegal industry, there are many supercilious lessons that can be learn and applied to the legitimate neckcloth world. We also wanted to take a creative draw close up to the presentation, and use a fictional character. In... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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