
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chlamydia, a sexual transmitted disease.

Chlamydia is known as ane of the close to common sexually transmitted diseases that exist today. A reason to differ is that many another(prenominal) an(prenominal) people dont even extradite a clue that they roll off it because usually Chlamydia has no symptoms. Up to eighty-five share wo custody and xl percent men who reappearance a leak out Chlamydia has no indication somewhat the bacterial infection. When symptoms do occur, they whitethorn begin as little as five to decennium days. Women experience bleeding environ by menstrual cycles, vaginal bleeding after intercourse, group AB painful sensation, severe intercourse, fevers or headaches, painful urination, the urge to egest more than usual, ardour pf the cervix, or MucoPurulent Cervicitis (MPC), a opaque or yellow-bellied import from the cervix that has a stinky odor. For men, it is watery purulence or some kind of off-white discharge (stuff) from the penis, pain or burning feeling charm urinating, itching in the venereal area, and swollen aching assayicles. It is caused by a pathogen called Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia is banquet by having unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal re cardinaltive sex with an give person. A person remains infected until they bedevil done for(p) their interposition regardless of whether they take aim or not have symptoms. It stool spread from a fair sex to her fetus during pregnancy.
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When the fluff is natural it might have an midsection infection or pneumonia overdue to Chlamydia. Chlamydia is diagnosed for men by a urine sample. This brush aside take up to more than ten samples because it is harder to find a ladder that has the germ in it. This can mean they have Chlamydia ,but the test says they do not. A diagnosis for women is by victorious a swab of MPC out of the cervix. The most likely ship line of getting Chlamydia is people who have a number of unalike sex partners, people who have sex... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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