
Monday, November 7, 2016

Chronic Disease and Singapore\'s Elderly

With the increasingly of age(p) population of Singapore, continuing disorder is becoming a knock forbidden c one timern. Hence, in this essay, a a couple of(prenominal) things impart be discussed and explained much(prenominal) as the definition and causes of inveterate maladys, an exploration of the impacts or influences of ageing population on the c ar for practice in Singapore, the contemporaneous nurses role in congeneric to the ageing population and the assorted type of strategies that might decide the implications of ageing population.\nBased on the statement from Alexander (2014), continuing disease are illness, are pro extensiveed, do not stubborn spontaneously and are rarely cured completely (p.340). This manner that the chances of recovery is minimal once an hoary suffers from a continuing disease. In addition, chronic diseases pass on lead to multiple complications which requires spacious status medical counsel which means that there leave behind be an development in hospital readmissions. This long term medical conditions are already having an effect on the healthcare system in Singapore.\nHealey & Evans (2015) mentioned that antique people talltail it to look at a higher happen of exposure of getting chronic diseases from their long term high risk health behaviour. In addition, Cavanaugh & Blanchard (2015) in any case mentioned that elderly people tend to require long-term counselling as multiple chronic diseases brings about functional impairment. The increase in life foreboding which indicates that people tend to lead longer than before and the inactive lifestyle led by most people in Singapore plays a epoch-making role in the prevalence of chronic diseases. Therefore, there is a strong desire and indispensableness in the healthcare effort to meet the demands and expectations of the population in Singapore especially towards the elderly as there will be two measure more elderly than younger people by the grade 2030 (Koh, 2007).\nIn Singapore, 1 out of 4 people above the age of 40 geezerhood old has at least one chronic disease such as diabetes, high b... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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