
Monday, February 10, 2014

What is the world today?

These days parts of the world is really messed up. Lets take Auckland papa Zealand. like a shot I live their and it is a very ruinous induct. What is happening there? Well I have unceasingly thought new Zealdand was a tremendous place entirely when i moved their from California I was in for a surprise. I went to cultivate and you will non believe what happened. I go into a schooling and everyone is move around alike naked. Now I am astound that this is withal hale but then I am thinking to myself, perhaps they ar just poor, maybe this is a good school after all. I walk into my clas style and what happens? The teacher sexually harasses me and then I am in way over my head. Then when I think we be close to do nigh learning, what happens? The teacher gives us a freaking peice of wood and tells me to keep down what you did in the USA. So i start piece of writing (with a rock) and I am so pissed take out I am going to freak. Now I am done with doing that so I go to next bound and I come up a girl masturbating and I am amazed that they do that in public. Now I contain that is as farthermost as anyone would go but boy was I wrong. Dont you even dare walk into a bathroom. What do you gather in? You see woman sucking mens genitals. Now I am intimately to faint. Everyone is sexually harassing me, the school sucks and instantly guess what I do. I write a earn to the government, and almost about 3 months later I acquire a earn back saying Howdy Mate, How are you? I was so pissed off that I was about to kill myself, This is a Raw ASS STORY.. imma go to school there...Fo0o0o you crazy.. thats the best place in the world unless of cause the females are busted.. but not all of them could be busted.. what was the name of the school...? What are the name of some of the Colleges of Universitys there.. Overall - Fair Essay (needs to be longer) If you w ant to support a full essay, order it on ou! r website: OrderEssay.net

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