
Saturday, February 8, 2014


Plutocracy Plutocracy is a government ran by the smashed. The sort of wealthy pee-pees the decisions on the use of the military, how the currency pass on be made, how the capital give be split, tax rates, and the laws for the tidy sum they govern. The wealthy makes to a greater extent money than the rest of the people combined, and provides jobs for many of the underclass citizens. In my opinion, a plutocracy is a dictatorship ran by small group of people, rather than the one psyche in a average dictatorship. They mother absolute power! I feel that they make laws and decisions found on what is economically smart for them, and the rest of the people will just aim to deal with the decisions they make, and adjust accordingly. They make headwayt be concerned if a citizen has a distemper virtually almostthing or is unhappy with a law because to them, that person is insignifi messt. If he keeps complaining and causing uproars in the community, they can thus far have him vanished without any arrest; neer to be seen or comprehend from again. Two historical examples of plutocracies were the civilization of Carthage, and the pre-World War 2 conglomerate of Japan, according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. These people were run by the wealthy individuals of their land, which shows that plutocracy can be an effective form of government. Presently, the linked States is a body politic; a government ran by the people. However, some deal the United States is Plutocracy disguised as a democracy to delay negative thoughts from U.S citizens and people around the world. I take issue with this. I do not believe the United States is a plutocracy, base on the fact that anyone can be elected to support their respective city, state, town, or country. This goes for people who are wealthy, as hearty as those who are not. A person who has never owned a piece of property, never made a hook of money, or never been a white male, can come on up the people, and bring! in enough votes to win a major election. The United States is truly a...If you want to get a respectable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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