
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nike Case Study

? Mission ? * To be the largest seller or athletic footgear and athletic apparel in the world. * To be the global company. ? vision ? To become the most trusted global provider or athletic apparel and footwear in the world. TABLE of circumscribe * administrator Summary * I. Introduction * Background of the direct * master(prenominal) problem * Specific Problems * trade Aspects * Operations and technical harmful Aspects * Financial Aspects * Socio Economic Aspects * system of rules and guidance Aspects * Objective of the Study * Marketing Aspects * Operations and adept Aspects * Financial Aspects * Socio Economic Aspects * Organization and Management Aspects * Significance of the Study * Scopes and Delimitation * Marketing * Technical and Operations * Org anization and Management * Financial * Socio - Economic * executive director SUMMARY Nike Inc. was founded in 1962 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight as a partnership under(a) the name, Blue Ribbon Sports. Our modest address then was to dot low-cost, high-quality Japanese athletic shoes to American consumers in an sweat to break Germanys domination of the domestic attention. at once in 2000, Nike Inc. non only manufactures and distri furtheres athletic shoes at any merchantable price point to a global market, but over 40% of our gross sales come from athletic apparel, sports equipment, and subsidiary ventures. Nike maintains traditional and non-traditional distribution channels in much than 100 countries targeting its primeval market regions: United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas (not including the United States). We implement over 20,000 retailers, Nike grind stores, Nike stores, NikeTowns, Cole Haan stores, and internet-based Web sites to sell our sports and leisure products. We ! dominate sales in the athletic footwear industry with a 33% global market...If you want to get a full essay, post it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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