
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mgt 311

squad Reflection Kevin Martinez Gonzalez MGT/311 10/6/12 Gabriel Medina Medina Team Reflection Week 1 For calendar week wholeness objectives, I set in motion that self-assessments can be actually utile aids in determining the skill levels of employee and explicate an oer grab of how the employees reflects about themselves. This was proven most useful when analyzing the conjecture satisfaction, emotion, attitude, mood, personalities, values and perception of these employees and what positive or disconfirming concussion they would have in a organization. Our aggroup ascertained legion(predicate) things as a result of evaluating these assessments. Some team members found these surveys others were confused, because when taking these same surveys on different days or week the results differed drastically depending on the mood or tell of mind the person taking the survey was in the results were never consistent but within range. These results also ga ve a tidy outlook on what obstacles managers might have to brass cock when hiring these employees. Weeks 2 This chart was in truth helpful when analyzing the pros and cons of hiring an employee found on these surveys. The wholly part that the team was not satisfied with was that these surveys are very simple to manipulate and give a false jutting of the employee. So at the end base on the utmost(a) two weeks of surveys the team feels that at the end your rattling never personnel casualty to know what type of employee the organization is going to get. tho if answered with honestly and truth it goes give a wakeless view of the employee that is going to work for the organization. Reference: EBOOK COLLECTION: organisational Behavior, Ch. 8If you urgency to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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