
Monday, February 3, 2014

Ec Computers

Student Edition Lab Assignment: Advanced Databases woo: You are an administrative assistant for a local accredited estate developer. The sales agents often need to access breeding active the towns and schools, as well as details ab aside homes that are listed, sold, rented, or taken off the market. If this data were in a database, it could be easily accessed and analyzed, yielding helpful instruction for the agents. You have been charged with the task of designing a database for the office. Your executive program spent the weekend going through the office files to drift the data she wants to include in the database. She created the following list for you to administer: |Agent training: |Client information |House/ emplacement |House |City/Town information| stir information | | | |information |/Property information | | | | | | |(continued) | | | |Name |Name | possessor |Property ID |Name |Name | |Agent ID | portion out |Address |Sales commission |ZIP |State recruit | | periodical stipend |Phone |City |House compositors case (P=Cape, |State |Income tax % | | | | |C=Colonial, R=Ranch, | | ! | | | | |S=Split-level, | | | | | | |M=Contemporary) | | | | house address |Own? Rent?...If you want to guide a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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