
Monday, January 27, 2014

Coming of Age/Getting my Diploma

When I hold my High school diploma, I go about such a liveing of accomplishment and self-growth. Ill never obturate that day. June 6, 2002, the day of my graduation. I have only felt that form of emotion on the day my son was born. I was dickens excited and scared all at once. This special lawsuit took place in the Weber State Browning Center. The effect had a long twisted staircase that lead to the second floor. The second floor had a series of four sorry doors leading into the theater. On the walls near the doors were painting and small tailor sculptures. I glanced down the hallway and seen a sea of people. I could feel my palms starting to moisten. I tugged at my dumbfounds shirt as a child does when they are shy and trying to hide. My mother looked at me,Josie, are you alright? I nodded my head and replied, Yes, I am fine.That is what I told her even though, in actuality, I was terrified. She looked at me and enter me like a book. She smiled and said, Its time to start. You need to go annexe now. When the ceremony began music started to play and everyone went to their assigned positions. My grandmother, mother, sister, and brother-in-law make full in the front seat. I slowly walked to my place in the line. I didnt know anyone and I felt so alone. I in truth wanted my mother to come and root there with me. I realized that she couldnt. This experience was an experience that I would have to below go on my own. Because I was xvi and pregnant I had to learn how to deal with things on my own. I had to queer utilize to it, I had no choice.         ... If you want to get a secure essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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