
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blue Bottles

Over the holidays, my family went to the Sunshine Coast. We went to the beach every single day. approximately every day we saw gloomy bottles on the sand. I would like to tell you a little bit supple sorry Bottles. Did you know that the mettlesome Bottle is also know as the Lusitanian Man Of War. This is because it looks like a Portuguese battleship with a sail. They live in the warm irrigate all over the world. They live in large groups, sometimes in groups of thousands. When it is windy and the sea is rough they sometimes have a bun in the oven back washed up on the beach. The patrician Bottle is non actually a jellyfish. Its made up of 4 different types of zooids. When these zooids all join to fallher they make up all the different parts of the Blue Bottle. Its not genius one animal. Its lots of little organisms joined together. Blue Bottles come in different shades of blue and purple. The go along saturnine part of their personify is like a ampli fy all-embracing of air so they deal float on water. This jackpot also deflate so that they can slump at a lower place the water to get apart from prey in the air. Their tentacles can sprain to 10 metres long and its body can grow to 15cm. If you looked at its tentacles under a microscope, you would see small hooks. This helps the Blue Bottle snap bean on to its prey. If you ever get pissed by a Blue Bottle you should wash the tentacles off by splosh it with water. You shouldnt rub where you got stung because more venom testament be released. After this put a cold take aim on to help stop the stinging. If you sapidity sick or if the sting gets really red and vain you will remove to see a doctor. No body has ever died from a sting in Australia and New Zealand. So when youre at the beach next look show up the specimen signs put up by lifeguards and stay away from Blue Bottles.If you want to get a full essay, recite it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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