
Monday, January 27, 2014

Assess the view that James' foreign policy was wiser than the foreign policies favoured by Parliament and Charles I- (This was a 45 minute timed essay was AS history)

Arguably mob contrasted policy was wiser that the outside policies favoured by both fan tan an Charles. barely pile pacivity caused many tensions, that became intransigent in Charles birth with Parliament making military intervention necessary. However the un flourishing person of La Rochelle, Cadiz and continental commitments emphasises that overall James foreign policy was wiser. Up until the bam of the thirty years war James mediation and emergency to establish himself as rex pacificus tail be seen to be wiser than the foreign policies of his contemporises. The calling for peace with Spain finished the 1604 agreement of London allowed fro a great trade expansion that change magnitude Britains prosperity. Similarly James shrewd negotiative skills helped delay the onset of the thirty yeas war through resolution of the Julich Cleves crisis. man this proved to be extremely successful and wise it contributed to James inflated perception of his skills as a intercessor which led him to blindly pursue unification contracts in the side of hostility, which arguably was unwise. The search for an Anglo Spanish peer can be argues to be unwise as it went against the averting widely mat up by English subjects towards Catholicism. The bearing of Gondomar and Crypto Catholics in court boost amplified this fuelling factions led by Abbott and Pembroke to take issue against James pacivity in the view of continental conflict. This led Jaems to strain the political solace of the Arminians. While comparative to the disastrous escapades of Charles reign, this pacivity can retrospectively be seen as wise. However it created significant demands on Charles reign. For example to increase diplomatic pressure, James got Parliament to bow to a subsidy of $300,000 for a naval war, so that he could convey a united front to Europe. This falsely shaped Charles expectations of Parliaments willingness for war, which contributed to... If you want to get a full essay, o! rder it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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