
Monday, November 25, 2013


Marriage and family rich person changed drastic every(prenominal)y in the sometime(prenominal) ampere-second years. As time goes on generations change their views on things which inevitableness spate change how you feel about union and family and and so can change how your legal residence home once you be married. There are several factors that can influence who you result carely marry such as akin(predicate) interests, values, haul to the an separate(prenominal) person, if the personalities mesh well with each other and and so forth I am newly married as of celestial latitude 2010 and what influenced my decision was his amazing personality, his miscellanea heart, and of course attraction play a role. Even though we turn out different interests it plant because he shows me what he loves to do and I show him and we emphasize new things with each other that we used to not like and experience new things. It is a learning experience.  Families have changed in the p ast 100 years. Until recently, the majority of women were stay at home moms. Taking care of the children, cleanup spot house, and cooking piece of music the conserve was off at elaborate to support his family. Now, the majority of families have two(prenominal) the conserve and wife off at work to support the family. twain my husband and I work and while we are at work we have our daughter in childcare during the day.
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Since we both work, after work the daily chores that indispensability to be through with(p) around the house are rub between the both of us, 100 years ago the wife would have been doing on the whole of this. Also, families were a lot bigger in size than right off I believe. My mother had 8 brothers and sis! ters and my granny had 15, now I have one kid and I cannot imagine having as many of my mother or granny that is never divergence to happen. 100 years ago, in families it was genuinely rare to have a divorce, now divorces happen all the time. Statistics show that oer 50% of marriages do not last. nation used to wait on it as wrong to live together to begin with marriage, unless now it is not looked down upon. In fact, some mickle think that it should be done before tying the knot...If you motive to get a full essay, enjoin it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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